Patient Rights

Patient Rights

As a hospital patient, you have a right to expect certain things from us. These “Patient Rights” are posted in public areas in the hospital. You’ll also receive a copy of these Patient Rights when your register.

To provide you with appropriate and effective care, please be sure to:

  • Provide our staff with accurate and complete information about present health complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to your health.
  • Report unexpected changes in your condition to your nurse or physician.
  • Understand the course of treatment the doctor has outlined for you and the benefits and risks associated with treatment.
  • Ask your physician or nurse to explain anything you don’t understand.
  • If you have executed an Advance Health Care Directive, be sure to provide a current copy to your doctor and to the hospital so that it can be kept with your records.

We ask that you be considerate of the rights and privacy of other patients and respectful of the employees and property of St. Rose Hospital.

If you feel the services we have provided have in any way compromised patient safety or not met accepted quality of care standards, please contact our patient representative office at (510) 780-4384. If you do not feel these concerns have been adequately addressed after contacting our patient representative office, please feel free to contact The Joint Commission by phone at (800) 994-6610 or via e-mail at

You can also write to The Joint Commission at:
Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181